This catalog of rabbit breeds lists all
rabbit breeds recognized in the USA, including a brief description and a link
to the breed's national organization (if available).
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If the rabbit breed title is a link, you can follow it to our short rabbit breed information
page with photo.
Color: Many. Regardless of color, wool colors are
very pale due to dilution of pigment.
Distinctive: Wool is fine, soft and silky,
carrying the sheen of a satinized wool shaft. Sheen is evident over the entire
body, including head and ears, which are not heavily wooled.
Color: White, with nose butterfly, eye circles,
ears, cheek spots, spine and side spots in these colors: black, blue chocolate,
gold, gray, lilac, tortoise.
Color: Black, blue, chocolate and lilac in two
groups: Japanese (dark/orange), Magpie (dark/white). One ear black, the other
orange. Sides of face, chest and legs alternate colors, and back should have 5
or 6 alternating bands or bars.
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2) German Angora, a commercial wool breed recognized by the International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders (IAGARB).
3) TAMUK, and TAMUK Composites, are commercial rabbits, bred for heat tolerance and for excellent meat qualities. These were developed at Texas A&M University at Kingsville. (Hence, TAMUK.) According to CFF Farm in Texas:
"The TAMUK rabbits are considered a composite breed as they are a cross of seven different breeds. They were originally begun by Dr. Steven Lukefahr at Texas A&M University - Kingsville. He wanted to create a hardy and vigorous backyard meat breed with a variety of coat colors, high production, strong feed conversion and heat tolerance! The seven breeds are New Zealand Red, Siamese Satin, Californian, New Zealand White, Dutch, Champagne d'Argent, Harlequin, and Havana. Because the TAMUKs have long ears and thin fur coats they are able to tolerate our hot and humid southeast Texas summers much better than any of the other breeds separately."
TAMUKs are highly sought after by meat rabbit breeders in the hotter climates of the United States.
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Hostile Hare builds high-quality secure rabbit and quail cages, metal frames and manure drainage systems. Coaching services available for rabbits and quail.
Oskar and Friends Pet Totes: Stylish, upscale yet cost effective totes, with attached leash and smart zipper system, suitable for small dogs, cats, rabbits.
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