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  • For rabbit info needs or to obtain specific rabbit information personalized to your situation, please keep reading.
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Rabbit Questions?

Hello, thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us.

Answering questions is time-consuming, taking a significant amount of time out of my daily schedule. Over the last 7+ years I've been able to put up hundreds of pages of information and many answers online so you would have free access to it. I've created several e-books and even published an excellent Q&A resource with Storey Publications, a top-notch publisher.

I’m now ready to turn a corner and let the written page deliver your answers.

Are you sure your questions aren’t already answered on Raising-Rabbits? Before proceeding, why not check the following free or published options:

Free Rabbit Information:

Our goal has been to freely give you complete rabbit information, instructions and pictures for every facet of raising and breeding rabbits as beloved family pets, show grand champions, or livestock for meat and fur. Most of the information on Raising-Rabbits is entirely free.

  • Click on the “Information” link in the navigation bar below the website’s banner photo. This tab provides a drop-down menu that will link you to perhaps hundreds of pages on this site containing detailed, rabbit-related information that is absolutely free. 

  • I can understand that hunting for answers across many pages might seem to be a daunting task. This is why we also provide a Google-powered search bar near the top right area of every page. Type your query into the search space and hit “search.” Google will find the answers for you. The first few results will be from Google searching the World Wide Web, but scroll down a little and you will see a list of our relevant pages. They will have pictures next to the page titles.


We compiled, enlarged, enriched, and illustrated several topics of rabbit information and created “PDF” e-books. These reasonably priced PDF e-books make it easier for you to gain complete information on your chosen topic which is available on your own time and away from the website.

Info in Hard Copy (Paperback):

Rabbit Raising Problem Solver is our question-and-answer-format book in paperback, published by Storey Publications, . (I’d be very surprised if the answers to your questions are not in this 300-page book.)

Raising-Rabbits Books provide nearly everything you need to know about rabbits.

Do you still have pressing questions about your particular rabbit problem?

If you still have a couple of burning questions needing answers, I’m still very happy to help you. I provide very detailed responses and offer as much help as possible within the scope of my expertise, so you can feel more confident about the care and wellbeing of your pet or livestock rabbits.

To defray the cost of my time, I kindly ask you to make a payment via PayPal below before sending in up to five (5) questions.

Allow approximately 24-72 hours for answers. I will answer much sooner if it is evident that your need is time-sensitive***.

I appreciate your support very much.

***You indemnify us against any harm which may occur as a result of our answers, or from waiting for answers. Remember: Karen is not a vet. If your rabbit is sick, please obtain the opinion of your rabbit-savvy veterinarian BEFORE contacting Raising-Rabbits.

***Please know that there are some questions that cannot be answered by anything other than time. Whether or not your rabbit is pregnant, for example, is one question I cannot answer for you but which you might be able to take a guess at, based on info here. (You’ll know for sure within 31 days or so.) If you ask me questions that cannot be answered, I will let you know why and on my discretion refund a fair percentage of the charge.

Q & A: 1-5 Questions

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you!

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2.5 week-old rex rabbit kits

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Double-Value Guarantee

Our policy is to always OVER-deliver on value,
which is why your purchase is fully covered by our
Double-Value Guarantee.

Go ahead - take any of our e-books for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.

If you aren't completely satisfied that your e-book purchase is worth at least double, triple or even quadruple the price you paid, just drop us a note within 45 days, and we'll refund you the entire cost. That's our Double-Value Guarantee.

Note: When you purchase your e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.

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