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Jul 15, 2024

Mini Lop Rabbit. Info and photos of Mini Lops.

MiniLop Rabbit

Mini Lop Rabbits. Get the history, description, standards, and photos of Mini Lops. Is this small adorable lopped pet rabbit breed right for you

Continue reading "Mini Lop Rabbit. Info and photos of Mini Lops."

Jul 15, 2024

Fetus images. Rabbit Fetus Pictures

Fetus images

Fetus images: When a rabbit pregnancy does not go as planned. Photos of fetus - miscarried rabbit fetuses and birth defects in full-term rabbit fetus

Continue reading "Fetus images. Rabbit Fetus Pictures"

Jul 15, 2024

Feeding Baby Rabbits: Baby Rabbit Rood and Care for Orphan Bunnies

4 wk old rex rabbit kits nursing

Feeding baby rabbits: Tips for feeding and weaning domestic rabbit kits, plus care and feeding of orphaned domestic bunnies. Milk recipes, care instructions

Continue reading "Feeding Baby Rabbits: Baby Rabbit Rood and Care for Orphan Bunnies"

Jul 08, 2024

Pet Rabbit Chewing: Problems and Solutions!

Rabbit Teeth malocclusion

Pet Rabbit Chewing: Rabbits chew for the health of their teeth. Learn the dynamics of why, and how to ensure that household items stay off the menu.

Continue reading "Pet Rabbit Chewing: Problems and Solutions!"

Jul 04, 2024

Rabbit Diseases: Recognize rabbit disease in time to help


Rabbit Diseases: Major symptoms of common diseases affecting rabbits, like snuffles and enteritis. What you can do to help your rabbit while waiting for the vet

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Jul 03, 2024

RVHD: A case of sudden rabbit deaths in the UK

w1 kit dead on wire 20120419

RVHD: Dealing with Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease in pet rabbits in the UK or Europe, with a discussion of pet vaccines for rabbits

Continue reading "RVHD: A case of sudden rabbit deaths in the UK"

Jul 03, 2024

Self Sufficient Living - focusing on rabbits and food self-sufficiency

Self Sufficient Living Rabbits

Raising rabbits for self sufficient living - 7 reasons why, 5 important considerations before you leap, and 8 ways rabbits return to you more than they take

Continue reading "Self Sufficient Living - focusing on rabbits and food self-sufficiency"

Jul 03, 2024

Types of Rabbits. Five body types in rabbits. Find your favorite!

Tan Lilac Junior Rabbit

Types of Rabbits. See five general body types that are possible in rabbits, and variations within these types. Find rabbits that suit your needs.

Continue reading "Types of Rabbits. Five body types in rabbits. Find your favorite!"

Jul 03, 2024

Rabbit Pedigree Chart: Tool for making pedigrees


Rabbit Pedigree Chart: Pedigrees, what they are, what information is needed, where to get forms, and how to create pedigrees for your rabbits

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Jul 01, 2024

Pasteurellosis: Breeding program to eliminate snuffles susceptibility

Cages out of barn for cleaning

Pasteurellosis. A careful breeding program can lock health and immunity into the genetic make up of your rabbits. Here is how to eliminate snuffles

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Jun 24, 2024

Rabbit Run. How to build an outdoor rabbit pen or run with PVC

Y-Connector for PVC Rabbit Run

Rabbit Run: How to build rabbit pens or runs using PVC. Easy to build run for rabbits. Save money on feed, and exercise your pet or meat rabbits.

Continue reading "Rabbit Run. How to build an outdoor rabbit pen or run with PVC"

May 28, 2024

Pet Rabbits - Care for Rabbits as Pets Made Easy


Pet rabbits: Care and feeding, including a critical-needs list of requirements. Confidently care for your bunnies with this list of rabbit care tips

Continue reading "Pet Rabbits - Care for Rabbits as Pets Made Easy"

Apr 25, 2024

Mama Rabbit Preparing Her Babies Crib

Mama Rabbit Preparing Her Babies Crib

I caught my doe busy in her crib making occupation one day. She didn't care for my camera, and certainly seemed to feel uneasy in her mind that I should

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Mar 25, 2024

Raw Rabbit: Order raw frozen rabbit for pets

Moses-Zacchaeus-enyedy2.jpg - raw rabbit

Raw rabbit. Convenient online ordering of raw frozen rabbit as whole prey, partially processed, or ground, for feeding pets species-appropriate meals

Continue reading "Raw Rabbit: Order raw frozen rabbit for pets"

Mar 01, 2024

Farm at Fort Mill


Farm at Fort Mill has moved. It is now Jubilee Farms Holland Lops, part of Edgemoor Equestrian, in Edgemoor SC. They offer riding lessons and host events.

Continue reading "Farm at Fort Mill"

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