Your Rabbitry Page: Thank you for subscribing to Raising-Rabbit's Featured Rabbitry Service!
You either chose to write the page yourself, or you chose the extra option: asking us to write the page for you. Either way, the many rabbit-loving visitors to will soon discover YOUR healthy, quality rabbits, available as breeding stock, show rabbits, or pets.
What You Get with a Featured Rabbitry Page
A complete featured rabbitry page on the website loaded with up to 10 photos (or more), and enough content (up to 1000 words or possibly more) to fully explain and describe your rabbitry, rabbits, and/or rabbit-related products.
A prominent link on the main Rabbits for Sale Directory page. The average page views per day for this rabbits for sale page is more than 9,400 page views. PLUS, featured rabbitry links in the right column of the Raising-Rabbits website show up on every page of the website.
A prominent link on the “Rabbits for Sale in (your state)” page. The average daily page views of these rabbits for sale per state vary, from 200 to 1,500 views per day, with the majority of states in the mid- to higher-end of the range. (For example, the Rabbits for Sale in Texas page gets more views than, say, the Rhode Island page, due to differences in size and population numbers.)
We give you maximum visibility throughout the Raising-Rabbits pages pertaining to buying and selling rabbits. The many links take your prospective customer straight to your featured rabbitry page. The prospective customer will learn about your rabbits, view the multiple photos you have supplied, and then use your contact information to reach out to you, if they need what you have to offer. They will either click through to your website or social media pages, or they will call or email depending on your preferences.
Google and the various search engines tend to rank your page highly in their search engine results. At least, this is our experience, because we are familiar with using the right words and keywords which let the search engines quickly recognize the information on the page. The enormous visibility that comes with high online traffic will boost your sales and your rabbit business or hobby.
If you subscribed to the Premium Rabbitry Service, you will get in addition to the featured rabbitry page, monthly updates to your page as needed. For example, if your doe kindled a new litter of 8 New Zealands, you can let your customers know when these bunnies will be available to go to new owners. This way, your customers will always know to contact you because they know you have new rabbits or rabbit products available for sale. We'll place fresh updates on these three pages:
Your featured rabbitry page
Your rabbit for sale in your state listing - this update will expire at 30 days or so (the listing itself does not expire)
The Rabbit Classifieds page - this update expires after 30 days
If You Chose to Write Your Own Featured Rabbitry Page
Are you comfortable with writing the 300-1000 words of rabbit information that will go on your rabbitry page?
Great! When you're ready, send your prepared information to: ordermanager @ raising-rabbits . com. You can paste it into the email, or attach it as a Word or other document, along with photos.
If you like, use the questions below as suggestions to help you write your information:
Name of rabbitry?
Breeds of rabbits raised, and colors (varieties) that you raise?
Send us pictures! Your service includes space for 10 photos. (You can include photos of yourself and/or your rabbitry, along with photos of your rabbits.)
Do you have a history or background story for customers?
Is there anything that sets your rabbits apart from other similar rabbits?
Do you have a dedicated website already that we can feature on your page?
Do you have social media pages for your rabbitry, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.?
When a customer purchases a bunny, does it come with any items as part of the purchase price?
Do you have other products for sale, such as bunny cages, toys, clothes? This can also include things like selling rabbit poo for fertilizer, garments made from angora, frozen meat packages if you ranch rabbits for livestock, or other animals that you breed.
Have you loaded in any YouTube videos that we can link to your page?
Do you have customer testimonials that you can include?
Are your rabbits for livestock, pets, and/or show?
Are your rabbits for sale pedigreed? Unpedigreed? Both?
Do you sell adult rabbits? Breeding pairs or trios? Bunnies?
Are you involved with ARBA, 4H, FFA, or other groups that support rabbits?
Do you provide shelter or rehoming services for rabbits?
Would you want to include pricing on your webpage, or would you prefer to discuss that directly with customers?
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Use these questions as a guide; answer in detail what you can, skip what you can't, add more info if you desire. Be as wordy as possible. The more details you send us, the more information we can share on the page with your prospective customers. That will make your rabbitry page a powerful one both with your customers and with the search engines.
Again, the email for your page information is ordermanager @ raising-rabbits . com. We'll proofread your words and lightly edit if needed.
You'll have opportunity to give final approval to the information on the page.
If You Chose to Let Us Write Your Featured Rabbitry Page
Are you NOT comfortable with writing most of your rabbitry page?
No problem! We can do that for you.
Please fill out the questionnaire below and hit the "send" button. We'll put all the information together into an easy-to-read presentation of your rabbits and rabbitry. Our writing time is covered by a very reasonable one-time writing fee.
Answer in detail what you can, skip what you can't. Be as wordy as you like - the boxes stretch and hold a LOT of words. The more details you send us, the more information we can share on the page with your prospective customers. That will make your rabbitry page a powerful one both with your customers and with the search engines.
You'll also Need to Send Photos....
Whether you write your rabbitry page or we do, we'll still need photos!
Send us an email (ordermanager @ raising-rabbits. com) and attach at least one photo but preferably up to 10 or even more photos. Include a photo of yourself and/or a photo of your rabbitry if you like. All the photos need to be good quality, clear photos (not blurry), at least 500 pixels on the short side (or close to that). Bigger is good, much bigger is also good; we'll prepare the photos and watermark them with your rabbitry name. (Or let us know how you want them watermarked).
We look forward to hearing back from you soon!
As always, contact us with any questions, either through our contact page or to the above email address.
When we get your information and photos, we will write your featured rabbitry page promptly, using everything that you give us to make your rabbitry page the best web page possible.
Once we build your page, we will ask you to preview it to make sure it's exactly what you want, and will activate it as soon as you approve it.
Give Google a few weeks to recognize and rank your page. Before you know it, we expect you'll begin to hear from your marketplace.
Thanks for letting us help you find new owners for your happy bunnies!
Our policy is to always OVER-deliver
on value, which is why your purchase is fully covered by our Double-Value
Go ahead - take any of our e-books
for a test drive. Peruse our detailed informational and educational e-books. Examine
our plans for building rabbit cages, runs, or metal or PVC hutch frames. Check out the Rabbit Husbandry info e-books.
If you aren't completely satisfied that your e-book purchase is worth at
least double, triple or even quadruple the price you paid, just drop us a note
within 45 days, and we'll refund you the entire cost. That's our Double-Value
Note: When you purchase your
e-books, they will be in PDF format, so you can download them to any device that
supports PDF format. We advise making a back-up copy to a drive or cloud
account. If the books are lost, you can also purchase another copy from Raising-Rabbits.
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* Affiliate Links* As an affiliate of several companies, including, we earn from qualifying purchases. Your purchases from these affiliates come at no extra cost to you.
Bunny Bazaar! Online Shopping Mall by Raising-Rabbits!
Subscribe to Rabbit Rhythms, our e-newsletter ! Get rabbit news, husbandry and health tips mostly every month. It's easy - we only need your email address, then hit the 'subscribe' button. Enjoy!
Hostile Hare builds high-quality secure rabbit and quail cages, metal frames and manure drainage systems. Coaching services available for rabbits and quail.
Oskar and Friends Pet Totes: Stylish, upscale yet cost effective totes, with attached leash and smart zipper system, suitable for small dogs, cats, rabbits.
10% off your autographed copy of Rabbit Raising Problem Solver
All packaging, handling, and Media Mail postage costs (WA residents are subject to sales tax)
Applies to US addresses - (sadly, Media Mail is not offered for international shipping, not even for really awesome books)
(International shipping is available, of course, but it's out of our control how much they charge for shipping. Send us your country, city, and area code to obtain a shipping quote.)
* Affiliate Links* As an affiliate of several companies, including, we earn from qualifying purchases. Your purchases from these affiliates come at no extra cost to you.
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