My 1-yr-old rabbit has ear canker

by Destiny Hicks
(Lindale, Ga)

My 1-year-old rabbit, Nima, has ear canker. I looked it up and many suggestions are that I apply olive oil to the ear and get the crust out with a Q-tip. I'm not sure about this method and I'm worried sick about her. I can't afford vet prices and I have no where else to turn.

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Jan 09, 2012
Veg oil
by: Anonymous

Vegy oil

***** Karen Sez *****
Yep. Vegetable oil, olive oil (same thing), and mineral oil also works.

Jan 07, 2011
Curing Rabbit ear canker
by: Moderator

Ear canker in rabbits can look rather frightening! But, the olive oil treatment really does work. Just follow the instructions you found on

If you're nervous about it, just follow them nice and slow. Do the first thing, and inch your way into caring for the rabbit's ears. You may soon find it's not as hard or as scary as it feels.

If you don't have a dropper for dropping the oil into the ear, try using a teaspoon and let a few drops drop into the ear. Massage the base of the ear so the oil covers everything deep in the ear.

Then, try using a cotton ball well soaked in oil to dab oil onto the crusts. You don't have to pick any crusts off. The oil will loosen them, and the rabbit will probably start scratching them off itself. Once you see that they're softening, then try, very gently, to see if they are removable. You can always dab even more oil onto the crusts, and let them take care of themselves.

See? You know what to do, so take it real slow. It'll figure itself out. Be sure to complete the entire treatment (3-3-3). Okay?

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

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