Just got my daughter an adorably soft, docile young rabbit but what kind is she???

by Katherine
(Thatcher, AZ)

The rabbit is a young doe, or so I was told. She's so extremely soft and incredibly sweet. She is all white with a black ring around one eye. The other eye looks like it might have a lighter ring around it. Her eyes are dark. The pet store we got her from said she was around 2 1/2 to 3 months old.

***** Karen Sez *****

Congrats on getting a wonderful rabbit!

And you're in luck on figuring out its likely breed. There is a rabbit breed called a Blanc de Hotot, developed in France, that is a solid frosty white with a narrow band of color around the eyes. It is very likely that this is your rabbit's breed. What probably happened was that your rabbit, according to your description, doesn't quite match the standard for showing your rabbit, and so the breeder, knowing it was still a wonderful rabbit, sold it to a pet shop so someone like you would be able to enjoy it as a family pet for many years.

(That is, I'm guessing you got it at a pet store, or maybe an auction?)

Without a pedigree, it is really impossible to know for sure that it is a purebred Blanc de Hotot, but it could very well be the case.

You'll find lots more information about the world's breeds of domestic rabbits in our rabbit breeds e-book: https://www.raising-rabbits.com/breeds-of-rabbits.html.

Plus, we have breed photos and info here:

Enjoy your new rabbit!

And P.S.: If you want to know for sure whether that bunny is a girl or a boy check here:

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Jan 10, 2015
Thank you!
by: Katherine

Yes, we purchased her from a local pet store. A lot of families here are involved in 4-H so I'm guessing that she didn't quite fit the standard. She is such an amazing sweet rabbit. The lady that sold her to us used to raise rabbits and said she was indeed female and that it was a good thing because she said that males will spray.

We feel so lucky that we found her! She is the perfect pet!

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