Doing Rabbit Farming Research

by Terry
(Mobile, Alabama)

I am doing research on rabbit farming. I am retired and have over an acre of land in Mobile, Alabama near Mobile Bay. There are lots of wild rabbits around us and I figured if wild rabbits can exist here why not farmed rabbits. I was hoping to find support in avenues for sale of rabbit meat, fur and sale of live rabbits. Also working on what is the best hutch to build.

If anyone can help with any information of even how well you are doing with your farm please let me know what your secrets are. Thank you in advance.

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Mar 12, 2013
Pressure Cooker
by: Saud

These days lots of people use Pressure Cookers to save time, power and get a better result.

May 11, 2011
Happy to Help
by: Anonymous

Terry...I would be happy to discuss rabbit raising with me at fogcityrabbitry at gmail dot com

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