5 year old lop ear rabbit is sick

My lop ear rabbit "Rodger" is having some problems. In the past few days he started with a very bad smell now he keeps tilting his head to one side, tear ducts keep crusting and he walks like he is dizzy and will not lay down to sleep like before. What can I do for him? I've had him for over 5 yrs and don't want to lose my very best friend. I'm disabled and living on disability and I cannot afford vet prices. Please help us.

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Dec 02, 2013
by: Judy

I'm so sorry for you Penny. I would feel the same as you. My daughter and I are looking after Her bunny who keeps getting abscesses. Spent over 12 hundred dollars on him but just can't spend anymore. We are looking after him as best we can. He is a fighter. Loves chocolate. I know it's bad for him but hey the poor little guy lets us clean out his wound and get the puss out. It is going to kill him so if he wants a bit of chocolate he gets it. His name is Ralphy.

I hope you like my story about Ralphy. Keep your chin up. Regards, Judy from Tasmania.

Dec 07, 2010
The Loss of My Rodger
by: Penny

I really don't know what to say other than Thank You, Karen for getting back to me as fast as you did, by email. I am sorry it was too late for my Rodger. He passed away on 12/4/10 at 1:50 am in my arms and I have not stopped crying since. I miss him so very very very much, and I feel so lost without my Rodger. My heart and my room feels so empty. I know that this feeling will not last forever but for now it hurts so much. Karen, I truly thank you for the information that was given to me. It really helped because I got no answers from anyone else including the vet that was called. In the future I will get back to you re: a giant French Lop like my best friend "Rodger Thomas."

Sincerely, Penny

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