Two Normal Litters... When will they arrive?

by Rebekah
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

My bunny gave birth seven and a half weeks ago, and since four weeks after she delivered I can feel more little lumps under her tummy (no, not teats) that indicate more kits on the way. I've had this happen before, where my bunny gave birth just six weeks after having 10 babies, to another eight babies. How do I know when she'll deliver?

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Jul 15, 2013
14 babies
by: Anonymous

My California female didn't pull fur or give any warning when I found a single baby in the cage, alive and moving about but mom didn't seem to notice. This is a very experienced mom, but she was breathing rapidly all day and still the next morning. Still eating but not doing anything with the kit. Finally later 2nd day she pulled small amount of fur and there was 13 more kits on top of hair pile. I put them all in a nesting box filled with wood chips and straw along with some of her hair. She relaxed and resumed duties of being mom but isn't that odd behavior?

Mar 31, 2011
Did the Bunny Math...
by: Moderator

7 1/2 weeks...minus 4 feeling little baby bumps...this seems to add up to bunnies fairly soon. Have you any idea when your doe was rebred? Or does the buck live with her?
--Gestation period is 31 days
--Nest box goes in on day 28
--Rabbits of both sexes if left together can and sometimes DO rebreed literally ONE DAY after kindling.
--When this happens, the doe abandons the fully weaned babies at or around day 28 so she can go off and build a new burrow.

So: Remove any babies still in with the doe, give her a fresh nest box right away, and then it's just a waiting game!

(PS: Shameless plug: Need another cage? Check the Rabbit Cage section for info on our new e-book about building hutches and cages!)

Mar 31, 2011
RE Two Normal Litters... When will they arrive?
by: Silver Desert Rabbitry

Just watch for signs that she will deliver again, like pulling the fur and such. Just keep a close eye on her, and let us know how she does!

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