New Born Bunnies, First time Mom and Bunny Owners

by Anon.

Mom gave birth to 3 the first day. another 5 the next day. 2 died that day. Another died yesterday (2nd day). Into 3rd day, after much research, I've replaced the babies to a box with hay and lots of fur.

The mom in my observation for the last two days, she has been looking after them. Today, not so much. I'm worried that the box did more harm than good. She may not like the box?

How do I make sure that they are being fed? I can't tell.

(I can't identify what would be a puffy tummy? cause they are all wrinkly.

I've been in a panic for the last 3 days making sure that at least some of these cuties live.

Thank you!
I hope you can help somehow.

***** Karen Sez *****
Sorry about the problems, Anon. The little guy pictured is starving and dehydrated. The doe is not feeding the kits, and has likely already rejected the litter. Unless you immediately foster these kits to a new doe, or successfully institute bottle-feeding, they will die. You don't have much time - kits can survive on very little for up to 72 hours only.

Go to for our tips on supplemental feeding. In the meantime, you can re-breed the doe. Perhaps with solid preparations in advance the will be more attentive the second time around.

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Jul 10, 2018
Help! One baby rabbit is missing!
by: Caitlyn

My female rabbit gave birth to 6 kits just 3 days ago. They all seemed to be healthy. (She is a first time mom.) I didn’t take the buck from the cage until yesterday when I got another cage. He seemed to be doing fine with the babies. I separated them cause I don’t want any more babies.

Well all 6 kits were perfectly fine yesterday. (Mom seems to be doing a great job) This morning I go out to check on them and there is only 5 kits now and mom is the only one with them. I didn’t see any blood or anything in the cage and the baby is just gone. (No way to escape) Could my doe have ate her baby? Could it be because I took the buck from the cage? Please help.

***** Karen Sez *****
Did the missing kit slip through the cage wire to the floor? Or, did it die and is it hidden in the bottom of the nest? Kits that fall to the ground typically are okay, and travel a ways to find their littermates. Look for them; they'll be huddled alone at some point where they stopped. Dead kits inside the nest will start to stink. It is best to hunt through the nest, find the poor thing, and pull it out and dispose of it. Good luck with everything.
Rabbit Raising Problem Solver

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